Image of Anti-Gravity Sticker

Anti-Gravity Sticker

RM9.90 - On sale

Anti-Gravity Sticker 强大功能优势与性价比如下:

1:采用进口特种胶,不给手机及墙壁留痕迹(玻璃瓷砖及基本家庭各种凹凸面墙体均可),光滑与凹凸面均可反复强粘 ,不干扰通讯信号
2:可作为大量定制活动礼品赠品,银行活动赠品,汽车品牌礼品, 功能广泛用于:汽车、家庭生活收纳、店铺产品摆放展示,办公收纳等
3:可水洗后晾干后反复使用、各种图案不用时就是装饰品、美观大方、可承重1公斤(1KG) 物体,稳固,轻薄,方便携带


Anti-Gravity Sticker powerful and cost advantages as follows:

1: The import of special plastic, do not give the phone and the wall leaving traces (glass tiles and a variety of essential household convex surface of the wall can be), and the uneven surface smooth and can be repeated strong stick, does not interfere with communication signals
2: can be used as a large number of customized gifts activities, banking activities gifts, gift car brands, features widely used: cars, family life, housing, store product display showcase, office storage, etc.
3: can be repeated use after washing, when not in a variety of patterns that ornament, beautiful, bearing one kilogram (1KG) object, solid, thin, easy to carry

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